Welcome to the RRPictureArchives.NET contributor site of Larry Platt.
I am the Chairperson for the State of Arizona Captive Caboose List. Pictures of cabooses on display in Arizona can be seen in the Arizona Captive Caboose List Album listed at the right.
The caboose pictures on this site are arranged by state and for the most part follow the order of the state lists in the ARCHES book, Captive Cabeese in America. You may purchase a copy of the book at the following link:
I am not a member of ARCHES, I am not affiliated with ARCHES in any way, and my RRpicturearchives site is not part of or sponsored by ARCHES. I do feel it is a good organization with a worthwhile purpose.
There are other albums of train pictures on my site also. I hope you find something you can enjoy.
Larry Platt
You may browse my collection of pictures via the menu located on the left hand side of the page. I hope you enjoy the collection and thanks for stopping by!